Break The Cycle

Who is Break The Cycle aimed at?

Our ‘Break The Cycle’ course is aimed at people who maybe be using negative coping strategies such as Cannabis, Cocaine, Alcohol, Prescription drugs etc. It is NOT aimed at people with a Mental Illness or people who have an Addiction. It is aimed at people who maybe in a ‘negative cycle’ and wish to change. It is also used as an ‘Awareness Course’ for workers who may have failed a random Alcohol and Drugs test at work.

What do we cover?

  • Education of the physical and mental effects their choices maybe having
  • A short delivery from a person with lived experience.
  • Basics around Dopamine
  • Why they maybe making the wrong choices
  • Their options going forward
  • Do they want change?

What’s next?

When people attend our ‘Break The Cycle’ course this maybe a stepping stone to attend our ‘Mind Gym’ Mental Fitness programme. By being Mentally Fitter and more Mentally Aware we believe this will encourage more positive decisions in the future.

Designed and built by The Design Bank

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